Exploring complex Biblical truths through captivating and entertaining stories

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Author Rick Stockwell's "The Wall" & "The Battle" Novels
Heavenly Realms Series

What would you do, if you knew for certain, that a close friend or relative would be going to hell?

Get "The Wall"

What would you do, if you knew for certain, that Satan was planning to murder your entire family?

Get "The Battle"

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Welcome to the home of Rick Stockwell, where compelling and captivating journeys into the unseen spiritual world await you. With extensive research based on the Bible and insights from Christian experts, Rick's fiction books explore complex Biblical truths through captivating and entertaining stories. As he puts it, “Ever wonder what really goes on in the heavenly realms? I do.”

Rick’s journey to becoming an author began after watching the Truth Project DVD series at his church, which ignited a passion to counter the distortions he saw undermining Western civilization and Christianity. Inspired by his deep knowledge of the Bible, he set out to write stories that are not only entertaining but also spiritually enriching.

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Christian Devotionals on Spiritual Grace

The Narrow Path

The Narrow Path   READ Matthew 7:13-14 “But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” - Matthew 7:14 (NIV)   One morning, I discovered a construction project had blocked my normal running route. Forced to take an alternate path, I came to a fork in the road. If I turned left, I’d have a shorter and easier run home, while if I turned right, I’d have a longer and more challenging run, but would complete my planned mileage for the day....

Go Save Someone

January 6: Go Save Someone   READ Acts 11:1-18 “… He will bring you a message through which you and all your household will be saved.’” - Acts 11:14 (NIV)   I overheard a neighbor call out to her son as he was leaving for work as a lifeguard: “Go save someone!” While she was obviously referring to the prevention of physical drowning, it struck me how profound her statement was from a spiritual perspective. Isn’t that what our heavenly Father would have...

He Knows What You Need

He Knows What You Need   READ Matthew 6:5-15 “… your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” - Matthew 6:8 (NIV)   As I sat down for breakfast with my three-year-old son, I realized he didn’t have a spoon to eat his cereal. While on my way to the silverware drawer, he said, “Dad, I need a spoon.” I immediately thought of the verse from the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) in which Jesus said, “… your Father knows what you need before you...